Day 10 – Grateful and Review – 21 Day Challenge

Today I share how grateful I am to have you join me on this journey, being surrounded by insightful, intelligent people of a like mind is incredibly rewarding – and lets review how we went with the changes these last few days.

More on the 21 day challenge here.

Transcript of Grateful and Review video:

Welcome to day ten congratulations for coming this far you’re almost  halfway. In fact halfway between this video and the next one you will be halfway 21 days to forming a new habit forming a new you.  Well done.

I want you to be grateful to yourself for taking this time it is one of the most important things that you can do in the journey towards a better you so thank you for to you for taking this time for yourself okay and thank you for watching and being a part of this I am getting some amazing feedback about this challenge.   I am so blown away and so grateful for having the people that are in my life and the people that are joining me on this challenge and on this journey through doing this challenge to to be here okay today I want to do a quick review of the actions that we’ve taken in the last few days so how did you go did you do that food diary did you make a micro decision to change something on the nutritional front on the health front what did you do write it in the comments I’d love to know write me a private message happy to discuss happy to talk about it.  Share sharing is a wonderful way to do this.  How did you go with the wealth action did you start to categorize  did you set up pocket Smith or or wave apps? Which is is a one of the the free ones.  It is amazing once you get those those transactions appearing and start using your card for everything then you really start to understand where your money’s going and it’s a beautiful thing.

How did you go with your wisdom have only been a couple of days maybe since that video came out have you sat down and done the 10 minutes of reading yet because it is incredible if you do.  I mean I I’m up to 30 minutes a day now and it is a beautiful thing when the you rip through books.  I get about two books a week and you look out there you’ll see you know every CEO is reading two books a week well that’s where I’m at and it’s a beautiful thing when you’re reading one to two books a week that is great.

Now you may have fallen off the wagon and I’m here to tell you it’s okay forgive yourself.  It happens things happen life happens so today’s today’s action is to just get back on the wagon forgive yourself – oh I missed a day that’s okay I’m gonna start again that’s okay I’m gonna start again okay each of these little actions each of these little micro decisions will take some time they’re not habits yet you’ve got to do them for those 21 days for them to become a habit I’m gonna revisit some of the decisions and some of the actions in the next 11 days that’s half of what we’re going to be talking about okay is just setting those intentions setting those decisions that is what this 21-day challenge is about making a new habit making a new you so I am grateful to you for joining me and I hope you’re grateful to yourself for this time that you have taken and spent on yourself okay and be very pleased with yourself for doing this.

That’s it for this video I’ll see you on the next one.


  • Four Hour Work Week – Tim Ferriss  – get it on Amazon AUS   UK  US
  • Tools of Titans – Tim Ferriss – get it on Amazon AUS   UK  US
  • Four Hour Body- Tim Ferriss  – get it on Amazon AUS   UK  US
  • Wave Apps – great free book keeping/ categorising software that you can use for your personal life too.  Highly recommend it, free and good support.  Can run multiple businesses from it, or even a single person keeping an eye on where all that money went 😉
  • Pocketsmith  –  a subscription service that does the same job, has a lot more bells and whistles that are good if you like the pictures/ graphs and the like – more powerful auto categorisation engine.
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Over the last 6 years I have managed to find the love of my life and create a family, create a successful business and know when to quit (maybe a bit late) and moved into a lifestyle of investing. Currently working on a passive income to replace my previous income, we are about 50% of the way towards it) I am passionate about helping guys become more fullfilled in their life by addressing micro problems one at a time in the sphere of Health, Wealth and Wisdom.

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