Day 9 – Get 30 minutes back – 21 Day Challenge

Today I share a story how I get 30 minutes back by removing the news and replacing with knowledge, maybe right after this, find a book – some suggestions below, and start reading it during the day.

More on the 21 day challenge here.

Transcript of Get 30 minutes back video:

Welcome to day 9 of the 21 Day Challenge, there is a link in the description if you don’t know what that is and want to join. So.
Today is about taking some action on the wisdom side, because we all need to increase our personal wealth, and our value to the world, because the more we can contribute, the more value we all can have in the world, and that is a wonderful thing.
I want to share a quick story about 2 or so years ago, I shared before how I want to start doing non fiction, well I got that time by following some advice of a coach at the time, and trainer – Rik Schnabel – thank you. Stop watching the news. I thought owe come on, but really this is incredible advice. The only thing the news does is give you these tiny little snippets of information, it is mostly useless. They never follow up. There is no long term story telling here. This advice was a god send, my cortisol levels went down. My peace went up. Because I stopped watching the news, I stopped reading the news. Occasionally now in the last couple of years I have been exposed to “news” and I get it, I totally get it now that I have been on a news diet, I no longer read widely, I just focus in on exactly what I want to know, or I dig and research, and find it directly. And this gives you back sooo much time, and look you can still be the cool guy at the water cooler knowing what is going on, but you will be listening, and listening is a great skill, because you don’t need to be the one telling that story do you?
My action for today is to take 10 minutes, just 10 minutes and read something non fiction. I want you to read now, Ted talks, great you took action. Took that on. A few minutes in the morning, grab a glass of water, sit down and just read. Put a timer on. Start with 5 minutes if you like. Maximum 10 minutes. Don’t have time? Get up earlier. Really it is doable. 10 minutes is not that long, and it is investing in yourself. Your most valuable asset. The action today is to take 10 minutes in the morning and read some non fiction. Whether it is Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss or Tools of Titans Or it is something that is really relative to your particular career. Do something to expand your in-depth knowledge on a topic, because that is how you become an expert at something. That is it for today, I will see you on the next video.


  • Four Hour Work Week – Tim Ferriss  – get it on Amazon AUS   UK  US
  • Tools of Titans – Tim Ferriss – get it on Amazon AUS   UK  US
  • Something in your field
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Over the last 6 years I have managed to find the love of my life and create a family, create a successful business and know when to quit (maybe a bit late) and moved into a lifestyle of investing. Currently working on a passive income to replace my previous income, we are about 50% of the way towards it) I am passionate about helping guys become more fullfilled in their life by addressing micro problems one at a time in the sphere of Health, Wealth and Wisdom.

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