Today I shared how to use the SEE principle to remember a name using some funny out takes with sheep heads and Daniel Craig images.
More on the 21 day challenge here. [icegram campaigns=”118″]
Transcript of Remember Names video:
Bring on day number 13. All right now yesterday I’ve talked to you about the SEE principle using your senses experiencing things and then really extrapolating that or exaggerating that into something that’s really unique and memorable in order to remember things. Now I’m going to tell you a little story about how I remembered the name of the author of this book and basically it’s an incredible and I mentioned this in video take a name like Kevin Horsley and actually remember that. I generally I’ll read books and books and books and books and for thousands of books now and and what I mean almost all of the author’s names I don’t remember.
I know you know I know quite a few like the famous one is JK Rowling or L Ron Hubbard some of my my favorite authors but gosh, you wouldn’t believe. I’m not a Scientologist by the way I just like sci-fi.
So the way to use the SEE principle okay so that you can really connect and exaggerate whatever it is that you’re trying to remember so if you’re trying to remember my name for example Craig Lambie what you might do is you might connect Craig to say Daniel Craig so you might morph my name or my face and Daniel Craig’s face like this a little bit and then then you want to remember Lambie so you’ll then maybe turn me into a sheep and you’ll remember the lamb so then you want to remember that ie parts of lamb you’ve got the Sheep thing and then you’ve got to remember the IE so maybe connect it to this grammatical rule that I’m sure you remember that I becomes E except after C and ago well that doesn’t work so Lambie Craig C I before E except after C in this case no it’s not so I’m gonna tell you off with my Lambie face no I am NOT I before E because you are coming off to see something funny like that okay exaggerated really experience it smell the the lamb’s wool I want you to really see Daniel Craig’s face I want you to morph them together and then you’ll remember that forever so imagine spending a little moment of time and you get better with practice putting this together and you will remember somebody’s name for as long as you want you just need to practice doing this particular C principle.
That’s all for this video see you on the next one.
Recommendations this video:
Recommendations so far:
- Four Hour Work Week – Tim Ferriss – get it on Amazon AUS UK US
- Tools of Titans – Tim Ferriss – get it on Amazon AUS UK US
- Four Hour Body- Tim Ferriss – get it on Amazon AUS UK US
- Wave Apps – great free book keeping/ categorising software that you can use for your personal life too. Highly recommend it, free and good support. Can run multiple businesses from it, or even a single person keeping an eye on where all that money went 😉
- Pocketsmith – a subscription service that does the same job, has a lot more bells and whistles that are good if you like the pictures/ graphs and the like – more powerful auto categorisation engine.
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