I am re-reading Think and & Grow Rich over the next few weeks. This is a reflection on the changes I have made since first reading it a couple of months ago
FMD follow up – now doing IF
FMD follow up, the results how I felt, how I reacted, overall benefits energy and the like after a 5.5 day Fast Mimicking Diet.
Wim Hoff Method WHM – Becoming the Ice Man
I started the WHM about 15 weeks ago. Some reflections on doing this, cold exposure. The strength gained from breathing and focus.
Trying: FMD – Fasting Mimicking Diet
Annoucement of trying to do the FMD, Fasting Mimicking Diet for the next few days – keeping calories at 1100 or below, 60%+ from fat, less than 20g protein
In spite of fear – Millionaire Mind – Secret #16 – Life Lessons from Craig
Rich people act in spite of fear. So do you cower at a big risk, or do you work through it, and manage your fear. Once you recognise the fear, you can manage it.
Money work hard – Millionaire Mind – Secret #15 – Life Lessons from Craig
Rich people make their money work hard. Do you make your money work for you? Or do you work for your money? Here is a tip or two to switch that!
Manage Money Well – Millionaire Mind – Secret #14 – Life Lessons from Craig
Rich people manage their money well, do you manage your money, Craig shares some advice on how to focus on and manage your money well.
Focus on Net Worth – Millionaire Mind – Secret #13 – Life Lessons from Craig
Rich people focus on net worth, not their working income. Are you measuring it? Do you look at your net worth on a regular basis?
Think Both – Millionaire Mind – Secret #12 – Life Lessons from Craig
Have your cake and eat it too… yes think both instead of either/ or if you want to have a millionaire mind. This life lesson is a struggle for most.
Paid on results – Millionaire Mind – Secret #11 – Life Lessons from Craig
Get paid on results not time if you want to be a millionaire – time is limited, results are not – simple mathematics really. Secure wage vs paid on results.