Day 28 – Evening Routine – 21 Day Challenge BONUS

Having an evening routine has helped me sleep better, have more quality time with my family and recognise the love language my wife speaks and needs.

More on the 21 day challenge here. [icegram campaigns=”118″]

Transcript of Evening Routine video:

Welcome to day 28 of the 21-day challenge that’s right when you start a habit it just keeps on going.  This is good for everyone, sharing with you thank you for watching it has been a wonderful challenge for me as well.  If you don’t know what that is then, go and look at the link in the description now.

Today I wanted to share something that was equally as important as the morning routine, some that I shared yesterday.  Part of and that is your evening routine, the before sleep, the before rest period.

I’m going to talk about sleep tomorrow, so I just want to go through it quickly, if I talk about every part in detail then there is a whole other 7 videos, we can do that another time.

The evening routine

The way I like to work is I have a finished work, time depending on whether it is my turn or my wife’s turn or we’re going to make dinner together.  We will usually cook and eat as early as possible around 6:00-6:30.  This is so that we can adhere to our time-restricted-eating TRE of around 9 hours.  We start at 10:00, so we like to finish eating by 7:00 (19:00) in the evening. Then we have some family time usually half an hour 45 minutes before we send Ethan off to read in bed or something.  Then it’s hot shower and clean teeth.  Pretty early usually around 8:00.  Also a second bowel movement around that time for the day on average  – love this eating style it keeps me very regular.

After that we might do some work depending on deadlines or situations things like this what’s going on sometimes, a maximum of an hour usually don’t like to go too late.  Usually depends on timezone etc, then some chill-out time.  Usually about 45 minutes of wife/partner time a night.

Chill time

I’m just chilling on the couch we might watch a TED talk we might watch Netflix something pretty easy going and then it’s off to bed so getting ready to go to bed.  To actually get under the covers usually, after which I read for 15-20 minutes – fiction at this time really chilling out chilling down nothing stressful and then sleep.

I have done all sorts of different experiments with moving into this phase. This is what works best for me – reading 15 minutes and then I get a really good deep sleep.

That’s it for this video. I’ll see you in the next one.

Recommendations for other 21 day challenges

Happiness – 21 day positivity challenge

  • Fitness – Pilates 21 day challenge one, two or three (done all 3, excellent)
  • Wealth – Ready Tony Robbins book “Money master the game” – get it on Amazon AUS   UK  US (read it, fantastic advice)
  • Wisdom – Meditation challenge (I haven’t done this, but looks good)

Recommendations so far:

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Over the last 6 years I have managed to find the love of my life and create a family, create a successful business and know when to quit (maybe a bit late) and moved into a lifestyle of investing. Currently working on a passive income to replace my previous income, we are about 50% of the way towards it) I am passionate about helping guys become more fullfilled in their life by addressing micro problems one at a time in the sphere of Health, Wealth and Wisdom.

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