Day 21 – Final day Celebrate – 21 Day Challenge

You made it to the end, well done you are now on the path to internal review, self development and personal growth – time to celebrate.
Look out for more bonus content in the upcoming days, has been a great ride, thanks for joining me on it.

More on the 21 day challenge here. [icegram campaigns=”118″]


 Transcript of Celebrate video:

Well done, day 21 of the 21 day challenge. You made it. Everyday. If you have watched every video – Amazing. If you have watched half of the videos you are doing really well. If you have watched a third of the videos – you are doing okay. If you have just watched a few of the videos – maybe you want to go back and watch a few more. Amazing. For me, this has been amazing. 21 days, 21 little pieces of content, few little bonus bits of content I did here and there via facebook live. But this has been an incredible experience for myself and I hope you have got as much enjoyment from this as I have.

So where to from here?

Well the feedback that I have been getting has been awesome. I have got feedback from some ladies, from some guys, from some people in Australia, from the UK, from the US – from all around the world. It has been incredible. So my commitment to you is to create a few more bits of content. I am going to go all the way to day 30 of this “21 day challenge”. Because there has been some questions, some comments about certain things – energy, about diet, about motivation – some things like this. So I am going to keep going. And I hope you will join me in the rest of this bonus content as I keep creating a few more bits and bobs that I have learnt and experienced from the last couple of years, three years, four years, five years. Hopefully I can impart some of that knowledge to you, and you can take it on-board and digest it, and figure out how it can work for you.


So congratulations, you made it to day 21. It is review day, it is time to think “ooh how am I going?” “what is my health like?” “do I need to do, maybe a 21 day challenge to…” “lose some weight” maybe you want to do a 21 day challenge to “start reading everyday” or taking in some non fiction. Maybe you need to do a 21 day challenge to “fix that finances, what is going on there?”
So tell me in the comments, send me a message, private message – anything you like, just send me a message somehow, someway and let me know what is the challenge that you need to do to get your life moving in the direction that you want it to be in. Okay. Cheers.

Recommendations for other 21 day challenges

  • Fitness – Pilates 21 day challenge one, two or three (done all 3, excellent)
  • Wealth – Ready Tony Robbins book “Money master the game” – get it on Amazon AUS   UK  US (read it, fantastic advice)
  • Wisdom – Meditation challenge (I haven’t done this, but looks good)

Recommendations so far:

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Over the last 6 years I have managed to find the love of my life and create a family, create a successful business and know when to quit (maybe a bit late) and moved into a lifestyle of investing. Currently working on a passive income to replace my previous income, we are about 50% of the way towards it) I am passionate about helping guys become more fullfilled in their life by addressing micro problems one at a time in the sphere of Health, Wealth and Wisdom.

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