Imagine having a cold shower every day, helps you wake up your body, have control over your reptile mind and even lose weight. Today I shared my journey from ending a shower with cold to cold showers daily.
More on the 21 day challenge here. [icegram campaigns=”118″]
Transcript of Cold Showers video:
Welcome to day number 17 of the 21-day challenge if you don’t know what that is there’s a link in the description. Today I’m going to share a little bit of us something about energy and I just got some feedback today. Thank you so much for joining me on this challenge and thanks for for giving me some feedback Marcin, you know who you are. You wanted to know a bit more about how to do energy management and today’s topic that I had pre-planned is actually about changing some decisions which help you create and a better energy profile as well.
About two years ago I read the four hour body by Tim Ferriss, and loved it. Implemented a bunch of things and one of the things that was in there was about having a cold shower and I didn’t implement that straightaway I thought that was well honestly I didn’t see the point he was saying it’s about testosterone and things like that and you know just general energy things. I didn’t get the need for that at the time since then I’ve been introduced to a gentleman named Wim HOF or the Iceman. He holds a whole bunch of world records and has managed to use cold as a method of controlling his reticular activating system.
Since then I’ve heard about Tony Robbins talking about how he goes for a cold dip in a cold dipping pool or for a swim in a cold river now putting all this together what I now do is I have a 1 to 2 minute shower in the mornings no hot straight into the cold I take 3 deep breaths 1 2 3 and then I go in and that’s it I am in full control of my amygdala I’m going to talk more about that and another time.
Controlling the body
The amygdala is your flight or fight response and if you can control that from your prefrontal cortex then you are in control of your reptile brain and that is a great place to be. When you’re controlling that you are controlling your body and you can control that you control your mind and then your logical mind is making the decisions.
So if you’d like to join in what I recommend is this have a hot shower like like you normally would and then finish it even if it’s at night finish it with a 10, 20 or 30 second cold shower. You’ll get used to it and the the body will still get that invigorated feeling it’s a really great you know. The institute of sport does this for their elite athletes for recovery which is fantastic as well highly recommend it’s fantastic give it a go tell me what you think about having a cold shower after you’ve had one come back and let me know. Cheers
Recommendations so far:
- Unlimited Memory – Kevin Horsley – get it on Amazon AUS UK US
- Four Hour Work Week – Tim Ferriss – get it on Amazon AUS UK US
- Tools of Titans – Tim Ferriss – get it on Amazon AUS UK US
- Four Hour Body- Tim Ferriss – get it on Amazon AUS UK US
- Wave Apps – great free book keeping/ categorising software that you can use for your personal life too. Highly recommend it, free and good support. Can run multiple businesses from it, or even a single person keeping an eye on where all that money went 😉
- Pocketsmith – a subscription service that does the same job, has a lot more bells and whistles that are good if you like the pictures/ graphs and the like – more powerful auto categorisation engine.
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