Day 1 – Micro Decisions

Today I shared a lesson on making decisions and how to succeed in making a life changing decision by making a micro decision – the story of how I stopped using a sweetener in my coffee was a micro decision, if you are joining me on the challenge, what is your micro decision going to be?


Welcome to day one this is day one of the 21-day challenge, there is a link in the in the description or below this video if you need to know a bit more  about it or to sign up to the 21 days.

Craig Lambie here giving you day ones challenge: okay now the first thing the first theme that we’re going to talk about is decisions okay decisions are one of the starting points of every action that you will take of every success you will have it all starts from making the decision to do it.

Now you’re going to have heard Tony Robbins or Tim Ferriss or Seth Godin or any of the savants of productivity of creativity all telling you that this is
the key the problem is that often when we make a decision we get stopped dead by our habits now habits stop us we just get into the habit of doing something and that’s why you’re joining me on this habits so we’re going to instead make a micro decision now today I’m going to invite you to think about what that micro decision can be and what that micro decision that you are going to succeed in is going to be related to.

Now my example decision is something that I did about two or three years ago when I used to use honey in my coffee in order to sweeten it a little bit and I gradually went down and down and down until I had no honey and now I even drink just black coffee with a little bit of cinnamon shaker I mean are doing bulletproof coffee mostly but if I have a coffee it’s often black or with a little bit of soy milk so the challenge for you today is to think of something whether it’s health-related whether it’s some other later thing but today it’s health and what is a micro decision that you are going to succeed in make that decision today that is your challenge for the day.

Okay I’ll see you on the next video

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Over the last 6 years I have managed to find the love of my life and create a family, create a successful business and know when to quit (maybe a bit late) and moved into a lifestyle of investing. Currently working on a passive income to replace my previous income, we are about 50% of the way towards it) I am passionate about helping guys become more fullfilled in their life by addressing micro problems one at a time in the sphere of Health, Wealth and Wisdom.

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One thought on “Day 1 – Micro Decisions”

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  1. Congratulations Craig on your new venture.
    Loved the content and intent of this blog.
    Re the post text- is it a direct auto caption from the video?
    It could do with an edit before publishing. Happy to assist if needed.

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