The UK and Italy have lately been trying to figure out ways to stop the…
Are EVs the answer to Humans Thriving on Planet Earth?
I wrote the below as a comment on this post from a confused person talking…
My Climate Pledge
My Climate pledge – adding to reduce flying for leisure down to 1 long haul flight every 8 years. Ongoing changes – Eating plant based, using PT and driving EV for work, living in low energy home
Click to Call
So I am a geek, of course I wrote a script make a click to…
Friday Five Update 20 Sep 2019
20 Sep 2019 short update on Property, family, personal goals, reading books, listening on audible and watching on youtube and netflix.
Starting out with a health focus
This is a post about getting started with a health focus. Once you start, you hopefully won’t stop, adding little adjustments as you go for your health!
The confusion about enough – Seth Godin inspired
Read this post “The confusion about enough” by one of my favourite authors, speakers and business people Seth Godin and wanted to reflect on it here.
Re-Read Think & Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
I am re-reading Think and & Grow Rich over the next few weeks. This is a reflection on the changes I have made since first reading it a couple of months ago
FMD follow up – now doing IF
FMD follow up, the results how I felt, how I reacted, overall benefits energy and the like after a 5.5 day Fast Mimicking Diet.
Wim Hoff Method WHM – Becoming the Ice Man
I started the WHM about 15 weeks ago. Some reflections on doing this, cold exposure. The strength gained from breathing and focus.