About – Coaching – Archive

On the page:
Who is Craig Lambie?
What is this about?
Who are you?

Who am I?

Over the last 6 years Craig Lambie found the love of his life and created a family. In that time he also co-founded a successful business, realised when to quit that business (maybe a bit late) and moved into a lifestyle of investing.

Currently working on a passive income to replace his previous income (his family are about 50% of the way towards it)

Craig Lambie wearing a hat
Craig Lambie

Hi, I am Craig Lambie. Formerly an IT Guru and Business Analyst in the finance IT industry, I now help certain people reach some of their goals in life or at least set some outrageous goals to work towards.
My personal “outrageous” goal is to have $250M in gold in the vault in so that I can play in the space race with Sir Richard Branson and Elon Musk to take humanity to the next level, whilst sticking to my principles of sustainability and integrity. This will take me 3 years. The cost will be some sleep.
When I created this goal, I was at one of those “change your life” events, in November 2016, I created this outrageous goal and put it in a note that pops up on my phone every morning, this is thanks to Joseph McClendon III. https://www.makeyourfate.com/.

I read it every day to remind my brain, and the universe, what I am aiming for. It is like an affirmation, something that I learnt from Scott Adams on the Tim Ferriss show. https://tim.blog/tag/positive-affirmations/

Since I created this goal I have quit my job-like business and started on a new journey towards multiple streams of income from multiple businesses and property investments. My wife and I decided to uproot our family and move to the UK to take advantage of some of the high yield investment opportunities there. We have been living the life of nomads, travelling around, staying with generous friends and house/ pet sitting between, with the occasional stay in a hostel or hotel or Airbnb when timing or work didn’t align with these opportunities.

We have lived for 12 months (at June 2018) on less than half what we earnt before leaving Australia, whilst travelling and investing for ourselves and other investment joint venture partners.
At writing, we are well on our way towards our step goal of £5k per month of passive income from investments.

What is this about?

This blog consists of 3 main categories – Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

Each of these categories is addressed from my personal viewpoint – my experiences and reflections. My hope is that someone else might benefit from what I write, but this is mostly for my insight and reflection on different topics that I read about, read more in the post “how to read this blog“.

Who are you?

You are a professional, male in your late 30s early 40s, probably don’t wear a tie, or you don’t want to. You work in tech or finance, or fintech. You work too much and either don’t spend enough time with your young family, or don’t have a family, but you want one. You value efficiency and good leadership. Your family and creativity come first, then income and health, the rest after that.

If this doesn’t sound like you, you are more than welcome to read and interact with me, but you are likely better off finding a coach that suits you. Happy to refer a colleague if you let me know a bit about yourself and your personal needs in a coach as I know people who are great coaches for women, relationships, parents of young children, parents of teens, business, arts and many more.