Stop the boats!

The UK and Italy have lately been trying to figure out ways to stop the boats – by force. Just like Australia tried too. Some kind of authoritarian hard nosed way of doing something that in my opinion, like most things, could be stopped by treating the disease rather than the symptom.
How I think the world should “Stop the Boats”
A large western group of countries that have signed the UNHCR agree to process people in a camp near the wars/ outbreaks etc. The promise is that people will stay in the camp for a maximum of 4 months while they are processed. People are processed to check for terrorists and other criminals to make sure they are genuine refugees and then they are sent to countries based on a quota system – probably based on GDP per capita of each country. Eg. Wealthier countries take more people. So for example if the G20 where the group, then the UK would be responsible to take 6.82% of all refugees, the US 9.89%, France 6.99%, Australia 7.72% Source: Calculations
Every country takes the people that are actual refugees according to the quota and looks after them as we would anyone in need. This would stop the boats, as people would just go to these camps. The “illegals” would truly be on the boats, and I think the International courts would be quite happy for countries to ferry these potential “illegals” back to the one of these camps based on approx where they came from to be processed by the international agreed methods.
This would be an extension to the UNHCR really. One that makes it binding for participating countries to act on their signature, not just “wait” for people to show up on their boarder, which apparently is what happens now (2024)
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Over the last 6 years I have managed to find the love of my life and create a family, create a successful business and know when to quit (maybe a bit late) and moved into a lifestyle of investing. Currently working on a passive income to replace my previous income, we are about 50% of the way towards it) I am passionate about helping guys become more fullfilled in their life by addressing micro problems one at a time in the sphere of Health, Wealth and Wisdom.

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